The decline of the mental health in our aging population is on the rise. Sadly, diagnoses such as dementia and Alzheimer’s are at record breaking numbers.
These are the most common diagnoses we come across when reviewing our clients’ medical and psychosocial assessments, whether we are preparing a procedure for a “Homologation of a Protection Mandate” or “Opening of a Tutorship for a person of full age”. It is not a coincidence that this is also the most requested service I offer to my clients.
"Having a protection mandate prepared is of the utmost importance, now more than ever."

Being able to appoint and designate someone you trust and depend on to represent you when you are incapable and at your most vulnerable is priceless. That peace of mind is immeasurable.
Regrettably, this is a deed often overlooked or forgotten. Many think of preparing a mandate when it’s too late, either they are already on a decline or sadly, are already inapt and therefore cannot sign any deed whatsoever.
If you do not have a protection mandate, make an appointment with your notary ASAP, or you can contact me for a referral.
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